Professionally, Tanvi Chaturvedi has 15+ years of experience in content development, psychological profiling & behavioral assessments. Her proficiency and interest lies in psychological research, psychometric test construction, designing and executing various types of personality assessments and behavioral assessments. Tanvi has designed and conducted over 10,000 assessments for companies and is a certified practitioner for a host of psychometric and behavioral assessment tools namely, Hogan Personality Assessment, Saville Wave Personality Assessment, Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Master Trainer (India) for Pearson Talentlens Products – SOSIE, Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal, Golden Personality Type Profiler (GPTP) and BPS Certified Test User (Level A & Level B). She completed her M.Phil. in Social Psychology from University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. Tanvi has completed her PhD and her topic of research was understanding employee retention.
She has worked on the Indian Sub-continent Adaptation for two Psychological Testing books – Psychological Testing by Anne Anastasi & Susana Urbina – Seventh Edition and Psychological Testing by Robert. J. Gregory. She has recently published a book out of her her M.Phil. thesis- “Facebook Profile Image- Mirror to your IQ?
Personally, Tanvi is passionate about understanding personalities, implicit biases and relationships. She applies multiple psychological theories to unravel the mysteries of human behavior and the society we live in. Tanvi believes that psychology is connected to several other fields such as history, anthropology, sociology, philosophy and even economics. She is on a continuous journey to follow an interdisciplinary approach to make sense of this world. In this spirit, she started an initiative called Beyond Biases.
“Beyond Biases” is a podcast on the social audio app Bakstage. She curates her own content and hosts the show. Beyond Biases is an initiative where her endeavor is educate her listeners to view the world from a variety of lenses. It is aimed to break the shackles of the conventional and bandwagon points of view.